Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Personal Statement for College

Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

My grandma had always been a major influence on me. When I was younger, my grandmother took custody of me. While living with her, I have observed and realized that her leadership is a strength that has shaped a large part of me that can never be replaced. Although, she did not gain an education beyond middle school, her wisdom is incomparable. She said that to serve others is the best a person can ever do. My dreams and aspirations were shaped by my childhood. I took these words into consideration seriously and with those words, I learned that I want to be in the medical field where I can serve others.

As a child, my heart was set to help people. This all began when my grandma sat me down on the couch to watch television together. There was a commercial that used to come on, it showed children from developing countries where food, water, and clothes were incredibly scarce. At the sight of this, my eyes would be clear of sorrow and from that moment I realized that I could be the one who help kids alike and today, this seed still grows in me.

Into my teen years, my dreams of being a doctor slowly shaped into something much more specific: Surgeon. I realized that I had the interest of helping people medically. Medicine and Anatomy had always intrigued me. Becoming a surgeon would be the start of my journey of helping people.

I was easily convinced that I could grant poor people a better life. But that is not the case. I had to work for it. I worked extremely hard to enter a rigorous early college high school. In the middle of the stress during my studies, I felt the urge to give up. but as discouraged as i was, i couldn't let go. I refused to lose sight of my future.

My world was always lead with the idea that i could do everything i wanted. Which is true, I can do whatever I want. But I specifically, i choose to serve others. I choose to work for my education so that I can cure others of sickness. I know what my dreams are and I know what my goal is. My sight is set to graduating from medical school to working in a busy dainty hospital.

I had always envisioned myself in the hospital. In middle school, I took an internship at the local, Highland Hospital. I worked in labs and assisted the doctors in any way i could. In the hospital, I saw the families that had their loved ones treated and cured. I saw the happiness in there eyes. Although, i was not the one who treated the patients, the sight of seeing these people happy and alive was absolutely rewarding. The experience of seeing the patients beyond the hospital walls alive and well was the most important event that showed my insight in what i was in for. This is what i wish to accomplish in my near future.

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

My grandma is a great guide and mentor, but there were some shoes as a grandmother that she could not fill in completely. Growing up without parental authorities, I had to teach myself the lines and boundaries of life. Independently, I grew up under my own laws and discovered the ways of life on my own.

Alone, I taught myself to persevere, to aim high and despite all odds, I am better than what the situation makes me feel. However, it took me a while to learn this. I first started out feeling smaller than I was. I felt, insignificant and alone, like no one was here to care for me. So for a long while, i hid in my room terrified of the weight of the world locking me down and never letting me go. However, uncomfortable as I was, I slapped a smile on my face and ignored my depression.

I worked through school and was at the top of my game. I came to class and did my work and every quiz day, I aced it. I was a cruiser, I did not have to put as much effort as I did to get the grade I wanted. School was an easy challenge for me. So once eighth grade rolled around, I knew that for my high school education, i wanted a true challenge and so i found it: ASTI. Asti is a small, early college school.

At this rigorous school, I worked through the ridiculous load of work despite my desire to sleep away my nights. I mean, that is what most people do -- sleep at night. but instead, i wanted to do well, and I endured the long nights studying and doing homework. School was definitely a challenge. But why is it that I put myself through so much work? Well, this is where my aim high came through.

I want a better future for myself. I want to live in a safer environment and I want to take care of myself financially. Since childhood, I took care of myself physically and mentally but I was never able to fend for myself. I aim to work my way through school, to have access to opportunities where I can earn a living to care for myself. I know I can make it to where I want to be if i stay in school and work hard. As young and small as I was, I was mature enough to give myself faith that I could accomplish more than I have and I plan to.

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